Category: Pets

The Cost Of Owning Cats And Dogs

I love animals, and have had dogs and/or cats my whole life. Many panel members also love their pets. According to NCP data, approximately 46% of panel members own at least one dog, while about 34% own at least one cat. While we love our pets, they do come with a cost. Sometimes it seems we spend more on the pets than we do the kids!

Overall, 54% …

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Pets Are Providing Comfort During The Pandemic

We are living in uncertain times. To alleviate some of the anxiety, many people – including myself! – are turning to their pets for comfort. (According to NCP data, approximately 48% of panel members own at least one dog, while about 35% own at least one cat.)

Are you getting comfort from your pet during the pandemic? Let us know! Just leave a note in the Comments section

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