Category: Summer

Stay Hydrated With Water

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Summertime Is Grilling Time!

We all know that summertime is the most popular time to fire up the grill!

Personally, I like to grill at all times of the year! Except maybe in the winter if the temps are too low, or there’s snow on the ground, at that point it might be too cold for me…and the grill!

Do you have a grill? If so, how often do you use it?

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Summer Scanning and Travel

Summer begins next week, can you believe it?

We know that the summer season is a busy time for many between taking kids to camp or other summer activities, going to the beach or pool, going on vacation, entertaining and/or attending events, parties, etc. The summer can sometimes feel like it’s just flying by faster than we would like it to.

But, it can also be a time

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