The NCP Blog


From Flowers to Fine Dining: Valentine’s Day Spending Score 0%

From Flowers to Fine Dining: Valentine’s Day Spending


NCP Spotlight: Panel Members in Montana

Up next in our Spotlight on States series: Montana!

Montana became a state on Nov. 8, 1889. It was the 41st state, and it’s the fourth-largest state in land area. Montana shares borders with Canada, North & South Dakota, Wyoming, and Idaho. The state’s name is derived from the Spanish montaña, meaning mountain or mountainous region.

Montana ranks 48th out of 50 states in population density. Its …

NCP Panel Info

Having Issues with Your NCP Account? Here’s What to Do (and What Not to Do!)

Every now and then, we hear from panel members who are having trouble with their account. They’re locked out of the website/app, can’t access their rewards or something just isn’t working right.

A few members think the quickest fix is to “start fresh” by creating a brand-new NCP account.

But don’t hit that “sign up” button just yet!

While it might seem like a quick fix, creating a …

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