Last week, my colleague Joanna (via video) introduced NCPulse — our fun new (and informal) way of asking you questions about some of today’s topics.

Our first question was about July 4th and what food item just had to be on the table for your BBQ (or if you were attending one, what would you bring).
We received many responses across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter, and here are the results!
- 14% said hot dogs were a must
- 8% planned to have hamburgers
- 8% looked forward to serving some sort of salad, such as potato, pasta or macaroni
- 6% were serving up ribs
- 4% were going to have some cut of steak
- And for those with a sweet tooth, 12% said a delicious dessert was the top item they had to have on the table … including one panel member who said it had to be a “Jimmy Carter Cake.”
We had never heard of that, so we did a little
research, and just wow…does that cake sound amazing! Check out the
recipe here:
We’ll share more NCPulse questions very soon…so make sure to look for them!
Have a great weekend.
Best Regards,
I love private label products! Most of them are very good quality at a lower price. Who doesn’t love saving money?!
My favorite coffee is cold brew that I make myself in a cold brew machine. It’s cold brewed but I drink it hot. I like to ad pumpkin pie spice and/or cinnamon to the grounds to add to the smooth cold brewed flavor.
I love private label products. They are just as good as the name brands. I have checked the ingredients on both of the same products and they are the same. The best part is that the price is so much cheaper!
The recipe looks very easy to do. I just might try it 🙂
Thanks for the recipe link…will have to try it soon. I guess it got it’s name from Jimmy Carter growing peanuts! LOL.