My mom always insisted on breakfast before school to get the day off to a good start. Sometimes, on weekends, she would make pancakes or waffles. My dad always wanted a hearty morning meal of eggs, bacon, sausage and toast. But most of the time, I had a bowl of cereal. Remember when cereal boxes always had some kind of toy or special treat inside? I think we picked our cereal based on that instead of what the actual cereal was!

As I got older and mornings became more hectic, breakfast was often a low priority. If I was lucky, I’d grab a granola bar on the way out the door. But now, I realize I need to show my kids better eating habits and encourage them to eat something healthy to start their day.

September is Better Breakfast Month, and there’s no better time to talk about breakfast! Let’s dive in.

What is Better Breakfast Month?

There’s a day or month to celebrate everything, isn’t there?! According to the National Day Calendar website (which is a fun website to check if you’re looking for something to celebrate!), Better Breakfast Month originated during World War I.

In 1951, the Cereal Institute jumped on board to promote better breakfasts. The organization chose the month of September to coincide with kids returning to school.

What’s for Breakfast?

Do you eat breakfast? One of my favorite things to make in the morning is smoothies! They’re quick and easy, and it’s a great way to add fruits and vegetables to a meal. Even my kids like smoothies, and sometimes it’s the only way I can get them to eat a vegetable.

A survey by Kitchen Infinity found that 20% of adults in the United States skip breakfast, while 80% eat it every day. And what are they eating? Cereal was the most popular response (14%), with 11% of the respondents choosing eggs as their favorite breakfast food. I found it interesting that men and women were equally as likely to skip breakfast.

Not Just for Breakfast

Traditional breakfast foods like pancakes and eggs aren’t just for mornings anymore! Have you ever served “brinner” in your house? My family loves to eat waffles and other typical breakfast foods, but we don’t always have time in the morning to make them. But, they’re perfect for dinnertime!

Delish suggests seven great reasons to have breakfast for dinner, and my favorite is this: it feels like a rebellious party! It’s kind of like eating ice cream for dinner, except it’s far more healthy. My family will definitely be celebrating Better Breakfast Month with breakfast for dinner!

Scan Your Items

As always, remember to scan your purchases, no matter what time of day you eat them! Items might include eggs, milk, cereal, packaged mixes for pancakes or waffles, or even vegetables for omelets. Did you know you can also scan the coffee you buy on-the-go?

The more purchases you scan, the more points you’ll earn– and you can redeem your points for gift cards, prizes and more. Not a panel member and want to join? Sign up here to share your shopping opinions, earn points and enjoy great rewards!


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