Category: Shopping

A Brief History Of Shopping Carts

As I was shopping last week, I noticed the shopping cart I was using was in really good shape. There were no wheels spinning wildly out of control, the wheel alignment was so good that the cart didn’t veer off to the right, and there was no tattered store circular or crumbled, expired coupons spread out all over the cart.

Also, a young woman who worked at the …

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Holiday Shopping And The Pandemic

Yes, here’s another post about shopping amidst the pandemic. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to escape it. But we all still want to buy nice holiday gifts for our family and friends.

I did some online shopping last weekend and found some good deals.

Did you take advantage of Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales? If so, let us know about your shopping experiences – either online or

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What’s The Best Time/Day To Go Grocery Shopping?

Due to my crazy work/life schedule, I’m usually only able to go grocery shopping on Saturdays. Unfortunately, at that time the store is almost always packed, with many of the items I need missing from the shelves. And it’s not easy to social distance, either!

It’s very frustrating to say the least.

What day/time do you usually do your grocery shopping? Has this changed due to the COVID-19

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