Category: Home

Home Improvements Projects

My husband and I just did our 2017 taxes, and it turns out we will be getting back some money from the Federal Government. As we’ve done in years past, we put some of that money into home improvements. This year, we’re going to...

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What’s Your Favorite Hobby?

I always get super stressed during this time of year. Thanksgiving is coming soon, and not long after, will be the gift-giving holidays, whichever one you celebrate. One thing that helps me is having a few hobbies, which keep me...

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It’s Spring Cleaning Time!

I’ve been so busy lately that I haven’t had a chance to start my spring cleaning. But I decided that this weekend my family and I were going to do a nice, deep cleaning. In particular, my husband and I wanted to make sure our...

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Never Bored With Board Games

My family and I love to play board games. Playing board games is not just for raining days, it’s great anytime. All I have to do is take Monopoly or Clue out of the closet, maybe make some popcorn or something else that’s...

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