The holidays are jingling closer, and we just couldn’t resist peeking into your shopping sleigh! We asked you, our panel members, all about your gift-giving plans in our recent “Holiday Shopping Survey“—where you shop, what’s topping your gift lists, how much you’re spending, whether you brave Black Friday or cyber-shop in your pajamas, and much more. The results are in, so let’s dive into the festive fun and see how this year’s holiday shopping is stacking up!
Holiday shopping
Of those who responded to our survey, 80% plan to shop for gifts this holiday season. Here are some other fun facts about their shopping plans.

November is the most popular time to start shopping for the holidays.
– 42% start shopping in November
– 22% start in October
– 16% begin in December
– 9% start shopping in September
– 12% of respondents begin between January-August
The top five product categories shoppers are most likely to purchase gifts from are:
– Clothing/apparel
– Toys/games
– Gift cards
– Electronics/gadgets
– Other
68% do not plan on giving any type of homemade or DIY gifts.
The number of people respondents are shopping for are:
– 17% 1-3 people
– 38% 4-6 people
– 26% 7-10 people
– 19% More than 10 people

Where panel members shop
A majority of people plan to shop both online and in-store.
– 26% shop online only
– 12% shop in-store only
Most respondents prefer to shop for most of their gifts online
– 22% prefer shopping at mass merchandise stores
– 9% prefer local small businesses
– 17% prefer other types of stores
The top three factors when choosing where to shop are price/budget, product selection, and sales/discounts.
Holiday shopping budget

And finally, let’s talk about shopping budgets! 53% of respondents set a holiday shopping budget, while the rest do not. Of those who set a budget, 45% report they are very likely to stick to their budget and 49% say they are somewhat likely.
The budget for gifts this season:
– Less than $100: 7%
– $101-$250: 22%
– $250-$500: 34%
– $501-$1000: 25%
– More than $1,000: 12%
A majority of shoppers, 71%, planned to take advantage of special holiday deals such as Black Friday and/or Cyber Monday.
What do you think of these holiday shopping stats? How do you compare to our survey respondents? Let me know in the comments!
And a reminder: don’t forget to submit purchases you make on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and throughout the holiday season. It’s easy to overlook things during this busy time, but it’s important to report all purchases such as gifts you buy, items for holiday meals, wrapping supplies, and other items you might only buy this time of year.
Blog comment reminder: If you have a panel-related issue that you need assistance with such as a problem with scanning or your rewards, please contact our Panel Support Center directly and they will be happy to assist you! You can reach them at 1-800-962-6700 or email them at [email protected]. You can send a message from NCP’s Facebook page. Please don’t enter panel-related issues or share any personal panel membership information in the blog comment section. Any issues will be addressed faster if you contact our support center directly. Thank you so much!
Hey Taylor Davis, read you wanted to see someone comment your name so here it is! Cheers!!👋👍 this is the first comment I’ve ever done so hope you find it happy holidays and enjoy your NEW YEARS🎊🎉✨️
Thanks! Happy Holidays to you, too!
There needs to be more categories because I have to guess where I should put cleaning products and Christmas decorations. This can’t be accurate.