As I was taking care of my houseplants this morning, I was thinking how nice it is to have indoor plants to brighten up my home and clean the air, too! Previously, I’ve talked about how terrible I am at outdoor gardening, but for some reason my indoor plants seem to like me, lol! I love having some plants in my workspaces too, at home and in the office.

Do you have any plants in your home? If so, at what type of store do you usually buy them from – a local garden center/nursery, a local florist, a home improvement store, a grocery store, etc.?

Indoor plant fun facts

According to an article on this subject by

Sales of houseplants have soared over the last few years, especially when people were spending a lot of time indoors. They brighten up any space and can be good for your health, too.

Let’s take a look at some of the plants that are not only easy to care for, but can provide some health benefits.

  • Spider Plants don’t require constant attention and thrive with little investment on your behalf. These plants are known to help purify the surrounding air.
  • Peace Lily plants are easy to take care of and don’t need much light, so they’re perfect for shady spaces. The name “peace lily” evokes a sense of calm.
  • Snake Plants only need to be watered when the soil is dry, they grow in any kind of light. They’ve been shown to remove toxins from the air over time.
  • Pothos are easy to grow, needing only indirect sunlight and infrequent watering. Research shows that these plants can lower indoor ozone levels.
  • Succulents and Cacti are drought-resistant, meaning they don’t need regular watering; only just when the soil is completely dry. Aloe vera plants, in particular, have medicinal properties and can help heal cuts, burns, etc.

Of course, you should do your own research to see which plants are right for you and your household.

Indoor plant scanning tips for panel members

Many different types of stores carry a variety of indoor plants. When buying a plant, always look to see if there is a UPC barcode on it for you to scan. If the plant does not have a UPC barcode, or has a barcode that won’t scan, then use the Floral category on the Non-Barcoded Items list in the NCPMobile app to report the purchase. (If you use NCP’s handheld scanner, refer to the Barcode Reference Booklet).

The Floral category includes all living plant and flower purchases such as fresh cut flowers and houseplants sold either inside or outside a store. This category should not be used to report purchases of plant food, potting soil, artificial flowers/plants, planting pots, etc., as these items should have a UPC barcode on them to scan.

Not a panel member? NCP panel members share their shopping information and influence what you see on store shelves! If you’re interested in having your consumer voice heard, click here or go to the Join NCP section of the blog for more information and to sign-up!

Have a great day,


Indoor houseplants

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