Gardening and me…not a good combination! I’ve tried and tried but continue to fail to grow a nice garden. I know it’s my own fault for not putting as much effort as needed into it, but maybe someday in the future when I have more time I will! I really do find it to be relaxing and I would love to grow my own vegetables.
But…I do like to take pictures of flowers! I shared a couple at the end of the blog, I hope you like them.
Do you have a garden? If so, what do you grow in it? Please let me know in the comment section below, I would love to hear from you!
NCP Poll
The Instant Poll currently on NCP’s panel member website asks “In a typical year, what do you plant most in your garden?”
Here’s how our panel members have responded so far:
Flowers 32%
Vegetables/Fruit 28%
Herbs 3%
I don’t have a garden 37%
Be sure to answer the poll question each week on the panel member website, we love to hear from our panel members!
The Popularity of Gardening Grew in 2020
According to,, the spring and summer of 2020 saw homeowners gardening in record numbers. Many homeowners surveyed said that it gave them something to do while at home during the pandemic, it provided them with a source of exercise, and it helped them cope with stress.
Raised Bed Gardening
Gardening is often associated with planting flowers and vegetables directly in the ground, making it sometimes unrealistic for those who don’t own a large piece of property. But, raised garden beds allow you to plant one almost anywhere.
According to, here are some reasons for raised garden beds as compared to in-ground gardens:
– They help keep out annoying pests such as slugs
– They look nicer
– They help prevent straining your knees and back
– They have better soil drainage
– They have fewer weeds
– They are good for beginning gardeners

Panel Members: Spring is here! Please don’t forget to scan all your gardening purchases. Many items such as gardening tools, soil, and mulch, are stored in a garage or shed and are easily forgotten when it comes to scanning. Please remember to scan those types of items before you store them away. Thank you!
Have a great weekend!
Here are a couple of pictures of the tulips growing right outside of our NCP offices. So pretty!

As a child mom always had Four0Clock flowers in the yard .
I use to wonder if that was really the name of flowers until I did research and found it was true then learned how they got the name , amazing !!
They smell so sweet .
I became a flower gardener during the pandemic when I lost my job. I use to – a LONG time ago – be an indoor plant person. That said, I still have my green thumb, but I can’t keep an indoor plant for the life of me! (I killed a succulent!). My green thumb has walked out the door in to my flower bed. I have AMAZING tulips and flowering trees in the spring, perennials and annuals all summer and LARGE beautiful mums throughout the fall.
Some plants like certain conditions where they do real well, but, if they don’t, hopefully you can utilize your south facing windows in your home to set up for indoor plants. Mine thrive in this area. I also grow hearts on my kitchen window sill which thank goodness, it’s in the south side of my home.
I just splurged and ordered two cherry trees! They are due to arrive within the next 4 days. Got them from on sale! I’m too excited! They are my number one favorite fruit. I hope it has a barcode!
I live in TN & only have a small space to grow plants. I have a raised and pot garden because the ground here is clay & impossible to dig in! I’m growing tomatoes, cukes, basil, dill, ginger, green peppers, arugula, cantaloupe & garlic. It’s a lot of work!! I’m enjoy the ture, unpoisoned flavor of my real veggies though!!
Okra, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, hot peppers, string beans, butter beans, collards, onions, and watermelon! 🍅🌶🍉🧅
I have tomatoes and peas and jalapenos and squash and cucumber and cilantro
I have a garden and I just growed multiple different flowers in my garden
I love trying to grow avacados plants, slicing tops of vegetables to plant. I love roses of all colors but my favorite is lavender.
I planted my vegetable garden in December as I live in the low-desert area of Southern California… produced bushels of tomatoes,
assorted varieties of peppers, green beans, cucumbers, strawberries and more. It’s history now due to temperatures well over 100F. But I still have 7 different herbs growing in pots that get the morning sun – I sowed seeds for annuals that are still thriving as long as I water them twice a day. I love this saying as follows:
“A kiss of the sun for pardon.
The songs of the birds for mirth.
One is nearer Gods heart in a garden
Than anywhere else on earth”.
(Author unknown).
I love gardening
Growing fresh vegetables tomatoes, cucumbers, red onion, and bell peppers and marigolds to fight off pest. In my flower garden I have all kinds of lily’s, Shasta daisy,lavender, basil,and lemon balm,roses and other plants
Gardening makes my heart happy! Due to weather conditions the vegetable garden was late getting planted this year. It has tomatoes, zucchini, yellow and butternut squash, all different colored bell peppers, cucumbers, kale for my smoothies, green beans, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets, sunflowers, zinnias , oregano, parsley, chives, and dill planted. I share with neighbors and family, and this year will take any extra to the farmers market. In my flower beds there are butterfly bushes, Black-eyed Susans, Guara, bee balm, morning glories, mums, dahlias, coleus, begonias, impatiens, hydrangea, roses, bluebells, lantana, clematis, Shasta daisies, hosta, and more! Can never have too much color, or plants that attract butterflies, bees, and dragonflies! 🌻🌸🌼🌹🌺
I grow herbs, flowers, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, peas, carrots, lettuce, radishes, garlic, cucumber, kale, spinach, peppers and onions.
Wait what!! You said a negative then a positive then a negative in one paragraph about your lack of ability, commitment, yet you know it is relaxing, and the benefits of fresh you grew it yourself foods? Priceless. Taylor give you self positive thoughts talk to them plants all they take is love and caring like any other thing.
I’ve been gardening since I was a child my grandmother grew roses I grow tomatoes cucumbers, lettuce, green beans and lots of flowers I have strawberry plants if I beat the chipmunks to them I’ll make a strawberry shortcake I grow beautiful Stella de Oro, dahlias and peonies. Also lots of Rose bushes. I have started using raised beds at 76 it’s tough to get on the ground and back up again. I love to watch things grow and I don’t have a problem sharing my bounty with the local critters.
I would love to grow a garden with vegetables and fruit. I know I can’t grow it in the soil on the ground, cause the squirrel’s will take over it. I like to have a small green house, maybe that’s an idea for me to look into
I started this garden 25 years ago when there was nothing but Clay and now it’s beautiful black dirt. I’m not sure about half of what I have there but I have tomatoes growing, mostly for my granddaughters cause I hate tomatoes but I love watching them grow, lilies of the valley a beautiful bush herbs wildflowers so that the hummingbirds might come I am very proud of my garden especially since I am now in a mobile wheelchair. It’s a lot harder to do to go out to the garden especially going out the door but I’ve lived in this apartment 25 years and there’s nothing better than opening your door and seeing the beauty surrounding the slum apartment building
Milkweed plants for the monarch’s & FLOWERS. HERBS & carrots.
I’ve always wanted my own garden, I don’t have space now