Today is Earth Day! I hope you do your part today and every day to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. The Earth – and all of its inhabitants! – is counting on you.

To celebrate Earth Day, the NCP team will be having a special event later today. We’ll try to take some photos to show you next time.

Here are some tips to reduce, reuse, and recycle, according to

  • If your town or city has a recy­cling pro­gram, participate in it!
  • Choose wisely before pur­chas­ing: Repair and mend items rather than replac­ing them, and buy used items instead of new when appropriate.
  • Sell, give away or donate reusable items instead of throw­ing them away.
  • Carry your own reusable shop­ping bags.
  • Buy respon­si­bly:  Avoid over-packaged prod­ucts and choose prod­ucts with recy­cled content.
  • Drink tap water or fil­tered water rather than bot­tled water and fill reusable bot­tles for bev­erages to go.
  • Use reusable (wash­able) dishes and uten­sils and cloth tow­els and nap­kins instead of sty­ro­foam, plas­tic or paper products.
  • Can­cel unwanted sub­scrip­tions and opt out of junk-mail.

Now, here are some interesting stats from the U.S. Census Bureau:

  • 716: The number of wind, geothermal, biomass, solar and other electric power generation business establishments in 2012, more than double the number of establishments (312) in 2007.
  • 26 minutes: The estimated average time workers age 16 and older across the country spent getting to work in 2014, up from 25.8 minutes in 2013 and 25.7 minutes in 2012.
  • 904,463: The estimated number of people who rode a bicycle to work in 2014. This comes out to about 0.6 percent of the American workforce.
  • 4,011,094: The estimated number of people who walked to work in 2014. This comes out to about 2.7 percent of the American workforce.

Don’t forget to join us for our first Facebook chat on Tuesday, April 26, at 2 p.m. ET.

Remember to Be Green! Have a great day.

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