Category: Holidays

Dad’s Day Is Coming

Father’s Day is almost here, and I know sometimes people wonder what to get or do for the dads in their lives. And there are a lot of dads. In case you ever wondered how many fathers are out there, well the U.S. Census Bureau...

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Commemorating Memorial Day

Memorial Day is this Monday, and we always think of it as the unofficial start of summer, a day of BBQing or shopping, a (possible) long weekend away from work and perhaps traveling to see family and friends. But it is also a...

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Celebrating The Moms In Your Life

This Sunday is Mother’s Day. This year, my husband will be cooking dinner for me, my mom, and my mother-in-law. It should be interesting! While my kids usually make me a special gift, I know a lot of other mothers get gifts...

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April Fools!

Tomorrow is April Fools’ Day. Many people enjoy playing tricks on family, friends, and co-workers. Are you going to play a prank on your family like switching the bags inside two boxes of cereal or sticking “googly eyes” on...

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It’s St. Patrick’s Day!

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, which is always a fun holiday that my family likes to celebrate. And like most holidays, it is big business! According to the National Retail Federation, total spending for St. Patrick’s Day-related...

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Valentine’s Day is Coming!

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and as you may know, it’s one of my favorite holidays! My husband and I are planning to go out to dinner, and as you can see from the data below, quite a few other people are also...

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Keeping Your Resolutions

It’s hard to believe, but January is almost over! If you remember, I wrote about resolutions a few weeks ago. My top resolutions were to lose a few pounds, get more sleep, and be less stressed. We also asked you to take our poll...

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Friday The 13th And MLK Day

Two interesting and vastly different days are on the calendar. Today is Friday the 13th, considered by many to be a very unlucky day. According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Asheville, NC, an estimated...

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Happy New Year!

I want to wish everyone a very happy and healthy new year! As you know, New Year’s is a time when many people make resolutions. (By the way, this year I want to lose a few pounds, get more sleep, and be less stressed!!!) In...

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