Category: Holidays

Here Comes Another Scary Halloween

With the pandemic, last year’s Halloween was a scary time for everyone. Well, this year things are hopefully a bit better where you live. It’ll be scary, but a different kind of scary! Kids and adults are really ready to celebrate the holiday!

Halloween Spending (And Fun) Up This Year!

This year IS certainly different than last year. Consumer spending on Halloween-related items is expected to reach an …

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Labor Day Is Here Again … Where Did The Summer Go?

I know, I know … I can’t believe it either. Labor Day is here already. Where does the time go? It just flies by! I hope you were able to make the most of your summer, all things considered.

Labor Day is also seen as the unofficial end of summer, and depending on where you live, back-to-school/back-to-college time. And don’t forget the beginning of football season, too!

The …

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Mother’s Day Is Brunch Time

Mother’s Day is this Sunday. One thing that many moms enjoy is a good brunch. I know I do! Especially if I can have a few tasty Mimosas.

So of course someone did a study on favorite brunches. Zippia used Google Trends to find out each state’s favorite brunch dish on Mother’s Day. Zippia defined brunch foods as common breakfast foods and drinks in both search volume and …

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Helpful New Year’s Resolutions

I’ll jump on the bandwagon of people saying “Thank goodness 2020 is almost over!” Yes, it’s been a tough year. But the end of any year brings forth the hope for the coming year to be better, and for all of us to try and become better people. That’s where New Year’s Resolutions come in!

And who doesn’t like making a good New Year’s resolution? (OK, so most …

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Fun Facts About The Holidays

It’s that time of year again. The holidays are here! No matter what you celebrate and how you’re able to do so during the pandemic, it is still a really nice time of the year. At the very least, it means 2020 is almost over, and the New Year has to be better than this one. And of course, that means it’s time for some fun facts!

So …

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Holiday Shopping And The Pandemic

Yes, here’s another post about shopping amidst the pandemic. Let’s be honest, it’s hard to escape it. But we all still want to buy nice holiday gifts for our family and friends.

I did some online shopping last weekend and found some good deals.

Did you take advantage of Black Friday or Cyber Monday sales? If so, let us know about your shopping experiences – either online or

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Tasty Side Dishes For Thanksgiving

We all love thanksgiving, but like every other holiday in 2020, it will be much different this year. For this Thanksgiving, it’s just going to be our immediate family. But next year we’ll really be able to celebrate!

In our home, like in so many others, a big topic of pre-Thanksgiving chatter is about side dishes. Everyone has a favorite and they all put in a request for …

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A Very Scary Halloween

Tomorrow is Halloween, although this year’s event will be much different from those in the past. With a pandemic still plaguing the country, this is one really, really scary Halloween.

But despite everything going on, it’s still a great opportunity to eat some tasty treats! (Boy, do I love my candy!)

According to the National Retail Federation, shoppers say they will spend an average of $86.27 on Halloween, …

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Can You Believe It’s Almost Labor Day?

I’m sure you feel the same as I do – I can’t believe it’s almost Labor Day! What happened to summer???

This summer felt like it really flew by, no doubt due to many regular activities being curtailed because of the pandemic. It’s been a tough year so far. Let’s hope the rest of the year is better!

As with Memorial Day and the Fourth of July, our …

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Celebrating The Fourth Of July Holiday

Well, this year’s Fourth of July celebrations will be a lot different than past years. Even though conditions have improved in New York State, my family will be keeping close to home, socially distancing as much as possible.

Many throughout the country feel the same way.

Staying Close To Home

According to a WalletHub survey, 74% of Americans said they will NOT travel for the fourth of July …

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