Let’s take a quick dive into the fascinating world of books!
From favorite genres, to when and where our panel members like to read/listen to books, discover some fun and interesting results from NCP’s recent Reading Habits Survey…
Do you read/listen to books?
Yes 77%
No 23%

What book format do you prefer?
Printed books 62%
E-books 18%
Audiobooks 10%
No preference 10%
Where do you read/listen to books most often?
At home 88%
While commuting 5%
While exercising 2%
At work/school 2%
At an outdoor location (park, beach, etc.) 1%
Other 2%
What time of day do you usually read/listen to books?
Morning 11%
Afternoon 24%
Evening 50%
Late Night 15%
On average, how many books do you read/listen to in a typical month?
1-2 51%
3-4 21%
5 or more 13%
I don’t read/listen to books every month 15%
Favorite genres, reasons for reading, where they get their books, and more...
The five most popular genres were Mystery/Thriller, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Historical, and Religion/Spirituality.
When asked what best describes why they read/listen to books, panel members’ top responses were; for relaxation, for entertainment, to learn/gain knowledge and for inspiration/self-help.
Most of the panel members who responded to the survey said they get their books online, followed by at a library or bookstore, they borrow from friends/family, or they buy books at garage/yard sales.
When asked how they choose the books they read or listen to, the top responses were they browse online/bookstores/libraries, get recommendations from friends/family, or check out online reviews and bestseller lists.
For those who responded that said they don’t read or listen to books, the top reasons why were that they have other interests/hobbies they’d rather be doing, they don’t have the time, or they just aren’t interested.
That’s it for this edition of In The Know (ITK)!

Panel Members: You can find current and past editions of ITK by going to In the Know located in the Community Center section on the homepage of the panel member website.
I love to read, do you? Let me know in the comment section below!
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I fell in love with reading as a child. And definitely prefer reading to watching t.v.
I tried to make the switch to reading digital copies of books, not for me. Nothing compares to holding the book in my hands and turning the paper pages.
I love to read! I don’t have as much time as I’d like, but I read about 1 hr per day (Bible & devotions) then I read Christian books & Christian romance novels. I’m reading a book entitled Heaven by Randy Alcorn….very interesting, informative & helps me to think, and praise the Lord!
I will read anything and everything. This year alone I have read 37 different novels…and counting.
Fantasy, thrillers, mystery, historical fiction are some of my favorites.
I love to read. My favorite genres are everything except horror and sci-fi.
I like to read it’s very relaxing.
I’ve always loved to read. Even as a kid
I love to read. Don’t take the time like I use to but plan to read more again.
I like Christian books, romance, mystery, and documentary. I have rejoined a book club so, I’ll be reading more. I am going on a Christian book lover’s retreat. There I will get a chance to meet some of my favorite Authors and have my books autographed and hear what ideas started them writing their book. I recently tired audio books, but I love turn pages of regular books. This was a good “In The Know” blog for me. Thank you
I love to read! I usually read at least 3 hours a day.
I love to read, but will go through phases where I read a ton then take a break for a month or so.
I love to read. I’ve always had a great love of books, except the ones that we HAD to read for school!!!
I can’t imagine not reading every day. When I was a child my favorite gifts were books, and even after a semi-sincere effort to clear some shelf space I still have a lot of books.
I love to read as well.
I love to read also