Who would have thought vinyl record collections would still be going strong after all these years! I recall many years ago when I moved out of my parents’ home, I took my record collection with me and stored it away, maybe taking some out once in a while for a spin (of course, I had to buy a record player first!). Just looking though my collection brings back so many memories.

Vinyl resurgence

Many factors play a role in the resurgence of vinyl records. According to stagemusiccenter.com, vinyl records are a great way for people to connect to the past. They bring back feelings of nostalgia, and also provide a unique listening experience unmatched by digital music. Another reason for the resurgence of vinyl records is the high-quality sound they produce. Vinyl records can also be seen as a way to slow down and appreciate music.

We all know vinyl records are collector’s items, particularly the rare or limited-edition ones. The revival of vinyl has also led to a renewed interest in independent record stores. They offer a wide selection and unique atmosphere where you can browse through stacks of records and maybe find that one special album you’ve been searching for.

Do you buy vinyl records? If so, where do you buy them most of the time (online, local record stores, garage/yard sales, mass merchandise stores such as Target or Walmart, etc.)?

Vinyl records and CDs

According to Popular Science magazine, after decades of being a music lover’s “go-to”, the popularity of the vinyl record was taken over by the CD back in 1987. For the next 35 years CDs were the preferred method of listening to music, mainly due to their convenience, portability, and durability. It was easy to keep CDs in good shape and easy to travel with them. As vinyl record owners know, it’s not easy keeping an album in “perfect” condition.

Vinyl record sales

According to theverge.com, a report from the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) indicated that 43 million vinyl records were sold last year! That’s 6 million more than the number of CDs sold in 2023. This marks the second time since 1987 that this has happened, and reflects the steady 17-year-running growth of vinyl sales.

Vinyl also beat out CDs in sales revenue – $1.4 billion compared to $537 million from CDs. The RIAA’s report also showed that CD revenue was up, but people actually bought about 700,000 fewer CDs in 2023 than the year before. Of course neither of these comes close to the music revenue gained from digital streaming (paid subscriptions, digital radio services, etc.).

Scanning info for NCP panel members

As with all other purchases, if you (or other household members) buy vinyl records and/or CDs that have a UPC barcode on them, please give them a scan and report the purchases. All purchases count and helps NCP get a clear and accurate representation of our panel members’ shopping habits and preferences. Thank you!

If you have your own collection of vinyl records, which albums are some of your favorites? Let me know if the comment section!


record collection

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