With all the craziness going on lately, I almost forgot to take part in the U.S. Census. But when going through a pile of mail, I found the letter from the government asking us to go online and use the special code they provided to take the 2020 census.
It literally took just a few minutes!
I mention this as a reminder to all of you to take the U.S. Census right away. (That is, if you haven’t already responded.) It’s crucially important to do so.
Just go to my2020census.gov to get started. (Even if you don’t have the special code, you can still take the census at this website.)
Why Do It?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, “Over the next decade, lawmakers, business owners, and many others will use 2020 Census data to make critical decisions. The results will show where communities need new schools, new clinics, new roads, and more services for families, older adults, and children.”
Along with that, “Retailers use demographic data from the census to decide where to build stores and what to sell. Companies determine where to create job opportunities based on census information. The talent starring in our favorite TV shows is, in part, determined by data from the census; after all, content creators want to tell stories that reflect the actual population and resonate with audiences,” according to David Kenny, Nielsen’s chief executive officer and chief diversity officer.
How NCP Uses Census Data
For its part, NCP uses the census data to determine how the panel should be made up, for instance, how many panel members we need in each state. We also use the data to help analyze panelists’ shopping habits.
Make sure your family and friends are aware of the importance of the census and encourage them to participate ASAP. By participating we will have an impact on our government and businesses for the next 10 years!
Best Regards,

I am a Census taker and agree that everyone should participate because it is extremely important as your community depends on the Census data. The data tells the government, stakeholders, and activists what is needed in your community to ensure resources like daycares, senior centers, schools, affordable housing, playgrounds, libraries, businesses, etc. can be made available in your community. I enjoyed working for the Census – one of the ways I contribute. You can help your community by providing your feedback on the Census questionnaires.
As soon as I received it I completed the form.
I’m a census taker. It’s so important to fill out your form. I’m amazed at how many people don’t know what the census is or how it can help your community.
What is it for exactly?
Did my as soon as I got it.
I did one in November online and another one that was sent in the mail. I’m hoping I won’t be counted twice.
Done mine.?
Already filed census.
I agree with you, the census took a short time to do. I was amazed at how fast I answered the questions. I certainly need to share this information with others. Having the pin code letter that was sent made the access easier.
Yes I did
I did mine same day as I got it
, I did but not right away by letter.
Yes, I have taken the census. It didn’t take long at all.
Finished the census a few weeks ago online… Super easy and quick!
I have taken the census. It was actually kinda fun!
I did take the online census and it truly was a few minutes of my time. Thank you for the NCP blog. I love reading it.
I have taken the census
I did the census online. It was easy!
Yes I have
I took mine as soon as I received the letter in the mail. I wonder though, if there’s something wrong with their website because since taking it I received 2 additional reminders to take it and so did my parents after having done theirs. I know we each did it correctly because after completing we received a message that showed that we have completed it and printed it out for our records. Hopefully it’s just a small glitch in the system and they did get all the information.
Yes, I’ve taken the Census!
Already done census
Thank you for your informative website. I live being a part of NCP.
Participation on the census is required by the Constitution. If you do not respond to the letter or online, you may be visited by a census taker.
I did my Census. Ditto on all the last 2 post.
Yes I did my Census. Glad to show the correct number in my house now. It’s just my Hubby & Me now. Even lost our Dog/Baby Boy. Had to put him to sleep ??
When I took the census, it ask for Nationality but would not let me put in manually what I was so it is misleading…example: I am English/Irish and my husband German/English.
I did my census.
The U.S. Census is super quick and easy.
I took my Census 2020, like you a little late, but I finally got it finished last week.
Found that the questions re ethnic background were confusing. My mom was from Nicaragua, came to the states in the mid 40s, became a citizen, and had a family. My dad was born here, but of American Indian and Irish background. Am not full Hispanic, but proud of my Nicaraguan heritage as well. Someone needs to fully explain the different categories we all fall into when dealing with different ethnicities, as these differences have to considered in filling out the census accurately.
I have already completed the census. It only took about 8 minutes to fill out online.
YES, I’ve completed the Census on line.
My daughter does the buying and is in complince with her Work for the virus protection. She’s tested negative for her Nursing Home Job.
Due to the quarintine, she’s not into scanning the food we get. She’s in a hurry. I try and add the non scannable things my Grandson brings. Such as, fast food, gas or some convenience store products.
But, I’m trying.
Did mine on line, quick and easy.
I all ready took the census for 2020
I all ready took the census for 2020
Yes I already took the census for the year 2020 on the web sight.
Yes i did They mail the paper and i did it on the computer
I did mine right after I received it. It is very easy and doesn’t take long.
Did the census right away.
Easy peasy.
Yes however this census is going to be a mess. Unlike every other decennial this one was encouraging people to respond before the actual census day. The homeless & intransit people were not counted on census day. People that were alive on April 1, 2020 are now dead. People that filled it out early May have died before April 1st because of accidents, shootings domestic violence & the pandemic. I hope they do a death roll as part of this census but I doubt it. Even before the pandemic the homeless & intransit count wasn’t going to happen on census day.
I am glad you reminded us of that. I too, piled it up on my desk when all of this started and had completely forgotten about it. I have it in hand to do next.
Yes indeed!!
Yes I already did.
I did my census online
I did mine online soon as it came back in March
great survey
Yes I did it on line as soon as it came in
Oh yes definitely did mine as soon as I got it!