Don’t be scared, but Halloween is right around the corner. Have you purchased any treats yet? Once again, I’ve recently bought a few bags of candy, but have already dipped into them. I must gain control of myself! LOL.
What about you? Have you bought anything for Halloween yet? If so, what? And what’s your own personal favorite Halloween treat? Let us know by leaving a comment!
Anyway, we love our trivia – especially holiday trivia – here on the NCP Blog, so let’s get to it!
These interesting facts are from
- Which six states produce a majority of the holiday’s pumpkins? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in 2014 the top pumpkin-producing states – Illinois, California, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and Michigan – produced 1.31 billion pounds of pumpkins. (We went pumpkin picking this past weekend and bought a lot. I think we alone bought a million pounds!)
- Where did the Jack-O-Lantern phrase come from? The name Jack-O-Lantern first originated from an Irish folktale about a man named Stingy Jack who tricked the Devil over and over again. When Jack died, he was forced to walk the Earth with only a carved-out turnip and burning coal to help light his way.
- Who started the black cat superstition? The superstition that it’s bad luck for a black cat to cross your path comes from the Protestant beliefs of the Pilgrims. They disapproved of anything associated with witchcraft, and some believed the legend that witches could transform into black cats and back.
- What were the top candies of 2017? Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups were the most popular Halloween candy, while other favs included Snickers, Twix, Kit Kat, Nerds, Sour Patch Kids, and Skittles. (Those are some of my favorites, too! What about you?)
- How much do parents spend on Halloween? In 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated there were 41 million trick-or-treaters ages 5 to 14 in America. Parents spent an estimated $1 billion on children’s costumes combined. By 2014, that number nearly tripled. And according to the National Retail Federation, Halloween party-goers spent an estimated $2.8 billion on costumes overall.
- What is one of the holiday’s most-produced candies? It’s candy corn! Since its invention in 1898 by the Herman Goelitz Confectionary Company of Fairfield, California (now known as the Jelly Belly Candy Company), candy corn has become very popular — so much so that today, nearly 35 million pounds of the stuff is produced each year.
- How big a consumer holiday is Halloween? Halloween is a big business. So big, in fact, that it’s the second-largest commercial holiday in America, with Christmas being the only one to surpass it in sales. According to the National Retail Federation, consumers spent $5.8 billion on Halloween in 2010, and by 2015, that figure jumped to nearly $7 billion.
- How much do Americans spend on Halloween? According to the National Retail Federation, 64% of Americans celebrated the holiday in 2015, and they spent an average of $74.34 per (adult) person on candy, costumes, and decor. (I know we also spend a lot.)

Have a great weekend, and also a great Halloween!
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I like to get little Halloween bags and stuff them with candy i always use old fashion candy but i do not give out chocolate to avoid any allergy problems a child might have
I love what they call “old peoples candy” the peanut butter taffy. I use to eat it by the bags, but since I’m more health conscience, one bag a year, if I can find it.
My favorite candies are Heath Bars and York peppermint patties. Heaths are hard to find though. This year I am going to be the tooth fairy at work. I will also be making spiced cider for everyone!
Well, candy corn has always been my most favorite, but truth be told there is no candy I’ve met that I don’t like!
Candy corn has always been a favorite in October. I have buying smaller packs these days. I used to wait until the last week to have some. These candies are sugar, sugar, and more sugar. Sssh, I buy autummn mix and other flavors now.