Throwback to 1992! Meet the Telxon scanner—one of the earliest in-home scanning devices used by ACNielsen Homescan Consumer Panel members.

Telxon scanner

Here are some interesting facts about the Telxon scanner:

Landline transmission
Panel members had to dial a toll-free number and follow voice instructions. To transmit shopping data, they placed the scanner’s speaker against the phone’s mouthpiece, pressed the YES key, and waited for a steady tone. Once it stopped, an “OK” message confirmed a successful transmission. Imagine that!

Store updates
Adding new stores wasn’t automatic. Panel members had to scan barcodes for the stores from a printed store list booklet.

No barcode?
Fresh produce and other non-barcoded items were reported by using a Category Codebook—a binder filled with laminated pages of barcodes, neatly organized by category.

Manual timekeeping
Unlike today’s smart devices, panel members had to set the scanner’s date and time manually.

Memories from Panel Members

We’ve certainly come a long way since those early days! When we posted about the Telxon scanner on Facebook and Instagram, we heard from many panel members who used it. Here are some of the comments they shared:

I did that!!! it sounded like a fax machine!!!! and you had to make sure the transmitter (the black ring) was perfectly positioned over your phone receiver! — Dorothy G.

Yup!! Been a member since 2005! Had to make sure the scanner fit over the phone receiver just right, and it sounded like a fax machine while transmitting! Real high-tech for those days! — Brenda L.

I have belonged sixty years. Back then we wrote our shopping trips and mailed our reports. The company was purchased several times, until here I am now with NCP. I did use a hand held scanner until everything went digital. Love NCP. — Midge K.

That was the first scanner I had – took awhile to use – since you had to run the scanner tip across the barcode – and if you didn’t get the speed just right – it wouldn’t always read. Also – I didn’t have a landline, so I’d go and use a payphone to transmit my data! Once a year – I would find a comfy place to sit and scan through all the stores on the list to get them all entered. — Rich W.

Ah, I remember it well. As far as I was concerned, it seemed like a very advanced piece of technology. Now doing everything by cell phone, is so great. Love it. — Susanne S.

That was the scanner my mom had at our house when I was a child, so yes I used it. Have to say it is much easier using my smart phone now! — Crystal A.

It was really hard to use. It would take multiple attempts to get it to connect up over the phone, and then lose contact while connected. Then I had to start all over again. I almost stopped being a scanner over these problems, but then they came out with the app. Much, much easier! — Russell B.

I remember using that to transmit. Sometimes there was a bad connection and the transmission wouldn’t go through, and you had to keep doing it until you got the “OK message”. — Deanna P.

I’ve been a panel member for 20 years. I had a couple versions of the old scanners. I had to transmit via a phone booth a couple blocks from home as I didn’t have a phone line at home. Later, I had a scanner that connected to the computer to upload. I used to do my uploads from the office computer at church, as my “home internet” was via connection with my cell phone which wasn’t compatible with the scanner. The current app is so much easier and more convenient. — Marcus C.

Did you ever use this scanner? Share your memories in the comments, I’d love to hear from you!


Blog comment reminder: If you have a panel-related issue that you need assistance with such as a problem with scanning or your rewards, please contact our Panel Support Center directly and they will be happy to assist you! You can reach them at 1-800-962-6700 or email them at [email protected]. You can send a message from NCP’s Facebook page. Please don’t enter panel-related issues or share any personal panel membership information in the blog comment section. Any issues will be addressed faster if you contact our support center directly. Thank you so much!

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