Let’s talk about bread! I just love it! Do you? I don’t even think there’s a type of bread that I don’t like. But, bread sometimes gets a bad rap and seems to be the first thing to go for those following a no-carb or low-carb diet/lifestyle.

The origins of bread

According to Britannica, bread has been a major food since prehistoric times. The first bread was made in Neolithic times, nearly 12,000 years ago, probably of coarsely crushed grain mixed with water, with the resulting dough laid on heated stones and baked by covering with hot ashes. The Egyptians supposedly discovered that allowing wheat doughs to ferment, thus forming gases, produced a light, expanded loaf. They also developed baking ovens.

Interesting bread sales data

According to Baking Business, in July 2023, Circana data showed that non-GMO, no preservatives, organic and lower-calorie claims led dollar sales for the bread category. Protein and low-carb claims drove the most unit growth and will likely stay in high demand as diets like keto remain popular among consumers.

The wonderful world of bread

Not only is bread delicious, it is relatively inexpensive (depends on the type) and, it fills you up! Here’s a list from Country Living Magazine of just some of the many breads available today, are any of these your favorite?

Whole Wheat
Pita Bread

Any way you slice it, bread is here to stay!

Info for Panel Members

Whether you make your own bread, buy pre-packaged bread, or buy fresh bread, please remember to scan the items you purchase.

Fresh bread that doesn’t have a UPC barcode can be reported using the Non-Barcoded Items list (Baked Goods category) in the NCPMobile app. If you need additional info, check out our video about reporting non-barcoded items.

Just for laughs: Why did the slice of bread get sent home from school? It was feeling crumby.

Best regards,

Blog comment reminder: If you have a panel-related issue that you need assistance with such as a problem with scanning or your rewards, please contact our Panel Support Center directly and they will be happy to assist you! You can reach them at 1-800-962-6700 or email them at [email protected]. You can send a message from NCP’s Facebook page. Please don’t enter panel-related issues or share any personal panel membership information in the blog comment section. Any issues will be addressed faster if you contact our support center directly. Thank you so much!

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