Saturday is St. Patrick’s Day. My family and I will be spending time with some friends. We’ll have a few adult beverages, a lot of snacks, and watch the NCAA tournament. Will you be celebrating? If so, how? Let me know!

You certainly don’t have to be Irish to celebrate! Americans plan to spend a record $5.9 billion to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day this year, up from last year’s $5.3 billion, according to the National Retail Federation. Over 149 million U.S. adults are expected to spend an average of $39.65 per person, up from last year’s $37.92. The holiday is most popular among individuals 18-24 years old, with 77 percent celebrating, but those 35-44 will be the biggest spenders at an average of $45.76.
According to the National Retail Federation, of those spending money for the holiday, 50% will purchase food, 41% will buy beverages, 31% will purchase apparel or accessories, 26% will spend money on decorations, and 16% will buy candy.
Enjoy the holiday, but please be safe. Have a great weekend!

I would love to get in the festive mood for St. Pat Day But I Will Be Relaxing While I pack for this BIG MOVE !
This is our 17th wedding anniversary so we will be going to dinner, but we also plan on a fun day at a local park called Country in the Park.
My son is taken me out on St.Patrick Day Just getting out I was in this apt all week