I know, I know … I can’t believe it either. Labor Day is here already. Where does the time go? It just flies by! I hope you were able to make the most of your summer, all things considered.
Labor Day is also seen as the unofficial end of summer, and depending on where you live, back-to-school/back-to-college time. And don’t forget the beginning of football season, too!
The Labor Day weekend is a time for many to have their last summer season hurrahs. And that means BBQing, visiting family and friends, going to the beach, or just taking some time to unwind. As well as catching some great sales!
How will you be spending this nice, long weekend? Tell us in the comment section below.
Now for some interesting statistics! According to Wallethub.com:
- Labor Day travel will be up: 48% more people will travel this Labor Day than last year
- 53% of Americans plan to get out of town for Labor Day weekend
- 37% of Americans plan to travel by car
- 12% of Americans plan to fly to their destination
- 64% of Americans plan to BBQ over Labor Day weekend
- $2,470: The average American household’s summer-vacation spending, which is up 107% from 2020
- 161.3 million Americans aged 16+ are in the labor force
- Consumer plan to shop more: 24% more people plan on going shopping this Labor Day than last year
The History Of Labor Day
In the late 1800s, during the Industrial Revolution, the average American worked 12-hour days and seven days a week, and barely made enough to survive, according to history.com. Despite restrictions in some states, children as young as 5 or 6 worked in mills, factories, and mines across the country, earning a small amount of money compared with their adult co-workers.
As time went on, labor unions, which had first appeared in the late 18th century, grew more prominent and vocal. They began organizing strikes and rallies to protest poor conditions and compel employers to renegotiate hours and pay, according to history.com.
The idea of a “workingmen’s holiday,” celebrated on the first Monday in September, caught on in other industrial centers across the country, and many states passed legislation recognizing it. Congress passed an act making Labor Day a legal holiday, and on June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed it into law.
As for who originally proposed the idea for this holiday, it could be one of two people, according to countryliving.com. Peter McGuire, who co-founded the American Federation of Labor, is generally credited with suggesting a holiday for American workers in 1882. However, the similarly named Matthew Maguire is believed by some historians to have had the same idea earlier that year, while serving as Central Labor Union secretary.
In addition, while Labor Day is always the first Monday in September in the United States and Canada, it’s celebrated in more than 90 other countries on May 1. Known as International Workers’ Day and Labour Day, this May 1 holiday coincides with May Day, an ancient European folk festival. It marks the midpoint between spring and summer with Maypole dances, flowers, singing and sweet treats, according to countryliving.com.

Big Sales This Labor Day Weekend!
Now we all love a good sale, and this weekend is filled with them. We know you might be busy BBQing or going to the beach, but please remember to record all of your purchases this holiday weekend!
PSC Closed
In celebration of Labor Day, our Panel Support Center will be closed on Monday, September 6.
Have a great weekend!
Best Regards,
The local pools close on this day. Glad the kids are back in school. I had a relaxing Labor Day this year.
Labor Day I stayed at home barbecued and hung out with the family
Always sad because the local swimming pools close on Labor Day. The good thing is the children are back in school. I had a relaxed labor day weekend.
So glad thee endless summer days of 110 degrees are ending and the 60
60 plus day dought ended with on day with 10 inches of rain water in a 6 hrs period. Don’t move to the South you are simply not ready for it….remember th Freeze of 2021…no heat…no water. You wake every 2 hrs. To take a cold shower.pray you toilet didn’t freeze up. Good times…all 5 days.
Happy labor day
So thankful for life and health
stay at home an read a book and look at western movies with ice cream
I will be working produce all weekend as usual, and even tho it is busy everyday, Labor Day marks the weekend of the Springfield mile and my store is right by where the race is held. Other than that I will be doing nothing because work takes up all my time. People please be nice to your retail workers we worked when covid first started and made sure you had food and toilet paper and hand sanitizer, now there’s a global workers shortage and our store is no exception and we are trying our best to fill our shelves and keep our customers happy thank you have a great weekend everybody be safe
I will spend Monday, Labor Day shopping for my October wedding. Being 73, this is a big deal for me!
Normally I would have had a Labor day gathering. However, I won’t be doing that this because of the Coronavirus. I have great granddaughter who are well below the age to be vaccinated. I’ll probably just make Labor day my watching movies day.